The Culture of Slavery

In our sanitised, everyday, civilised world nobody owns slaves any more. Slavery and forced labour were abolished over 200 years ago in Britain, so it’s perhaps surprising that the practice was not fully outlawed worldwide till 1981.
However, notwithstanding its abolition, slavery persists under the surface of many cultural norms. Acceptance of those norms is often a requisite of good citizenship.

Keep Calm …

Much of humanity is struggling to reconcile the inequalities and disproportionate imbalances that plague our cultures. That struggle creates a richly fertile soil in which resentment, fear, blame, shame, misery, outrage and conflict grow in abundance. It disrupts any sense of calmness, en masse, almost by design.

The Way Forward

This is the time of year when many people are attempting to put the past behind them. It’s a good intention, but it’s not that easy. The approach is often flawed, by defining the future in relation to the past. When you do that you energetically anchor your future in what you want to let go of. That’s to say you’re not actually letting go even though you think you are. Let me explain a little more. Whenever you express anything in terms of what you don’t want you operate in the paradigm of what is not wanted, not what is wanted. Your subconscious / unconscious [and the Universe in general] reads paradigmatically, because that’s how energy works. Energy follows intent paradigmatically. Paradigms can be thought of as tracks that your mind [conscious and unconscious] runs along. They can be either on or off… Read moreThe Way Forward