Merkaba / Lightbody Activation

2-day workshop
The essence of this workshop is to provide you with a sound theoretical and practical basis for activating your MERKABA at will. And to keep it operational throughout your life.

MERKABA is a Hebrew word that roughly translates as vehicle or chariot of light:

Mer-Ka-Ba ~ Light-Spirit-Body

The principle of the activation offered in this workshop is the vibration of Love: Universal Love i.e. Love for all there is, without judgement, prejudice or conditions.

The vibrational frequencies generated as Universal Love awakens within us resonates through the human energy field. This supports your field to reconfigure itself coherently rather than randomly.

Your field “remembers” how to align as you commit to embodying Universal Love within your bio-energy system. The external expression of love in your world follows automatically, without any direction from your mind or ideas of what it should look like.

As you get familiar with the structure of your MERKABA, it stabilises your fields so that you are less easily pulled off centre. When you are pulled out of your centre, it will become more noticeable.

With practice you will be able to regain your centre more and more easily. This facilitates greater emotional and mental stability in all situations.

Activating your MERKABA will not stop you making mistakes, however, and those you make may feel more intense than before.

Elements of the workshop are as follows:
  • Introduction to why Sacred Geometry is sacred, and its mathematical mystery.
  • Basic concept of the MERKABA or LIGHTBODY as a trans-dimensional vehicle and its relationship with the physical body.
  • Static and dynamic energetic structure of the MERKABA field
  • Principles of conscious MERKABA activation and preparation exercises
  • Principles of conscious breathing to empower MERKABA activation and intentions
  • Protocols to clear resistance to esoteric knowledge … and obstacles to activation of your MERKABA
  • MERKABA activation ceremony and protocol practice for continued activation
  • Potentials for programming your personal MERKABA with your intention
  • Comprehensive notes for the practices shared in the workshop.
This workshop is in English, with support in Nederlands.
It is not scheduled on a regular basis. Check newsletters or the button below for availability

Check schedule and availability here:

Comments from some recent workshop participants