Shifting Your Reality

pre-recorded online seminar (English)

A pre-recorded on-line seminar to understand the process of self-empowerment.

The reality of the world we live in is shifting fast. This shift has been in progress for a while. It echoes throughout daily life, inviting us to pay attention and dance with it.

However, that dance requires creative and conscious participation. It has neither regular steps nor a uniform hypnotic rhythm to support conformity.

That dance requires us to empower ourselves, to own the power and the truth of who we are without compromise.

To maintain an inner balance we have to find our own rhythm, rather than dance to another.

This may necessitate revising some beliefs and certain behaviour patterns, step by step. It shows up the life experiences that are out of alignment with your true nature. And it invites your attention, sometimes quite intensely.

The primary intention of this on-line session is to support the process of self-empowerment. So, that you become aware of how the way you interact with the world can sabotage your personal energies.

The protocol practices provided are graded to support that awareness and guide you through reclaiming and recovering those energies, especially where they undermine the integrity of your boundaries.

This seminar also assists the reconfiguring of your energies so as to continue to expand your awareness and maintain healthy boundaries.

There are three protocols offered in this on-line session:

  1. An Affirmation Statement of Self-Commitment.
  2. Dismantling the programming of compulsion to comply with the conventions of consensus reality.
    Clearing imprints, implants and mechanisms that work through guilt and shame for not doing what everyone else says you must. Includes breaking vows and contracts, and releasing associated entities.
  3. An invitation to Divine (Source) Intelligence to support a continued process of aligning with Source and staying in integrity with your heart.

This seminar is in English. 

It is available on demand on-line.
You can sign up here:

Comments from some recent workshop participants

Shifting your reality