Mastering Your Hidden Control System

2-day intensive

This two-day special retreat intensive examines the impact of early conditioning.

EVERY TIME YOU INCARNATE into a human body, you go through a conditioning process in early childhood. That conditioning generates a set of unconscious decisions about how and who you must be to survive here.

The decisions made in those circumstances were relevant to your experience in the moment, but they’re seldom a blueprint for a balanced adult life. Many of those decisions are felt, energetic, decisions, made before you could speak, let alone think cognitively. They are not easily traced.

All of this contributes your sense of your reality. However, the reality existed before you arrived. It relates to the social conditions and values of those already here, with whom you apparently share the reality, and upon whom you depend.

 Consequently, this perpetuates a sense of being a victim of circumstance and being powerless to change … because powerlessness is the energy signature of their fabrication.

And that’s where you stay, until you recognise that sometimes you behave in ways that perpetuate your (traumatised) sense of powerlessness and victimhood.

This 2-day special intensive provides a strategy for recognising the unconscious existential decisions that still govern how you allow yourself to be in the world. We will share practices designed to liberate you from the tyranny of those decisions and from the triggers and reactions associated with them.

This exploration will consider the following aspects:
  • The basic driver programming that we operate with.
  • The hidden beliefs that support this programming.
  • How the decisions behind the programming have been imported into your sense of who you are – your self-identity.
  • How this programming controls the way you allow yourself to express in your world.
  • Recognising the sense of frustration / resignation / powerlessness that blocks attempts to dissolve this programming.
  • Neutralising the triggers, reactions and the effects of trauma associated with this hidden control system.
  • How this control system is inherently sustained in the collective unconscious matrix through the polarity paradigm of approval / disapproval.
  • How the approval / disapproval polarity is embedded in the social order to ensure compliance by coercion through fear, guilt and shame.
  • The accumulative impact of this conditioning through other lifetimes where it has applied.
  • Reconfiguring your energy system to recognise this programming as it operates in your world, and to liberate you from the need to comply with it any longer.

This retreat intensive will use the five basic driver patterns, emerging from the theories of Transactional Analysis developed by Eric Berne, as a starting point / doorway into this realm. It will explore the energy of the territory using the methodology of intentional narrative protocols (specially scripted by Altazar).

We will also follow the energy present in the moment to address issues arising specifically within the group field.

This is an advanced energy-led process based workshop. It is not suitable for beginners. It is intended to support those who are familiar with Altazar’s working methods, and those who are experienced in the challenges that committed inner exploration involves.

Places are limited. Attendance is by application.

Check schedule and availability here:

This workshop is in English, with support in Nederlands.
You can check the schedule and availability here

Comments from some recent workshop participants

Mastering Your Hidden Control System