Expanding Consciousness
Light Leadership

3-day intensive
The frequencies of expanded consciousness demand that we operate in alignment and integrity with our Source connection. We must know ourselves as Light Leaders, without shouting about it.

The mechanisms of deeper hidden mechanisms governing human existence begin to show themselves, as we own the truth and power of our multi-dimensional selves.

Those mechanisms have existed outside the range of perception generally available to humankind … until now.They are relevant beyond their surface appearance, because they are indicators of something else.

The presence of those control mechanisms signifies the existence of a hidden realm, from which Earth human existence is manipulated. The possibility that Earth humans have been dominated by invisible inter-dimensional beings who inhabited that realm then starts to make sense.

It is said that both the dominator beings and their main energy grid that holds human consciousness in bondage are gone. However, there seems to be a vast amount of ‘rubbish’ left behind: residual fields, artificially intelligent devices, structures, energetic booby-traps,  trip-wires and alarm systems.

Although this ‘rubbish’ is redundant, a lot of it is still dangerous. It continues to operate according to its design intent: automatically attacking and sabotaging anyone whose consciousness expands beyond limits set by the dominator beings.

In addition, there are often energetic implants, tags and trackers present in the human bio-energetic organism that are attuned to detection and alarm systems of the dominating ’empire’.

This intention of workshop intensive is to address these phenomena in a structured way that defeats them and eliminates their effects. There will also be a practice for embracing the Morphic codes [the energetic blueprints] of the new paradigms in consciousness to be embodied.

Specific elements addressed are listed below.

  • Earth Connection / Separation
  • Compulsions / Compliance with Cultural Norms / Group Agendas
  • Deleting Unconscious Permissions
  • Compulsion to Obey Authority
  • Left / Right Brain Hemisphere Ballance & Integration
  • Deconstructing the Myth of Original Sin
  • Collective Cognitive Dissonance / Collective Denial (mass refusal to acknowledge the possibility of collective manipulation)
  • Neutralising Archon Implants, Tags / Trips
  • Contracts of Limitation
  • Morphic Codes for New Consciousness Paradigm(s)

Check schedule and availability here:

This is an advanced energy-led process-based workshop. It is not suitable for beginners. It is intended to support those who are familiar with Altazar’s working methods, and those who are experienced in the challenges that committed inner exploration involves.

Places are limited. Attendance is by application.

The workshop is in English, with support in Nederlands

Comprehensive notes are provided and protocol practices will be recorded and available to participants after the workshop.

Comments from some recent workshop participants

Expanding Consciousness - Light Leadership