… abominations persist. This is known implicitly, internally, intuitively, universally, because NOTHING in the conventional world FEELS right. That feeling is actually a signal that the consciousness held in our incarnate human form is greater than we generally permit ourselves to express. It tells us that we dumb ourselves down, so as to go unnoticed in an environment that’s institutionally hostile to the presence of our consciousness.

This has been a matter of physical survival for ages. It’s imprinted in the trans-generational DNA codes of ancestral memories. It’s been experienced energetically in many lifetimes. Remaining in a compliant dumbed down state is no longer a guarantee of safety. It’s clearer by the day that the surrender of liberty in exchange for security leads to tyranny.

That tyranny is really only an external reflection of the self-imposed inner tyranny, which shuts down the expression of our consciousness in order to survive. The inner process supports, generates and perpetuates the external condition.

The more people engaged in this, the stronger the field of compliance becomes. This maintains a fear of the consequences of non-compliance … policed by the compliant majority collective. This process is now becoming explicit. We’re at the beginning of a transitional phase. The abominations hidden under the gloss of respectability … and the gloss of “love and light” … are challenging the delusional collective cognitive dissonance that refuses to admit them.

One of the keys to moving beyond this state is to forgive ourselves for our compliance with the status quo. This demolishes the mental/emotional structure of our beliefs and self-identity, so it’s not easily navigated. And it cannot be achieved through judgement, criticism, guilt, shame, disgust and outrage, although all those states may have to be negotiated.

But what emerges is compassion: compassion for ourselves and everyone else facing into the same storm. That compassion eventually infests the collective field and opens the possibility of creating a new harmonious reality that nobody could ever have imagined.