Common Sense … ?

… has been distorted by the institutional conditioning of the main$tream daydream. This conditioning has been imprinted into everyday consciousness for thousands of years … via belief systems energised by physical force.

Collective imprinting thus creates a psycho-energetic field that demonises non-compliant forms of existence. This is the field we live in.

This field is effectively the dominant existential paradigm. It overrides our inner knowing through the application of the polarities of APPROVAL CONDEMNATION … ACCEPTANCE REJECTION … and PUNISHMENT REWARD.

This is firmly rooted in fear: the energy of the mechanisms beneath the mechanisms pf control and domination. “Common sense” then tells us we must do what must be done to survive.

Letting the truth in is to embrace the possibility that our entire social order is twisted out of true. That means facing a potential psychotic breakdown as the false identities created through compliance with the conditioning collapse.

This is why the prison of the daily grind remains intact. Frustration persists even though there is mental awareness and commitment to the recognised appropriate emotional clearing.

Owning the sovereignty of our creative connection with Source is the key to moving beyond this situation. Taking responsibility for the reality we create and how we maintain it is a first step.

It’s not necessary to know how we change that reality. All that’s required is the decision to do so … no matter what.

That changes the frequency we operate at. Changing that, changes the field. The reality we manifest moves in step with our frequency.