Other Occasional Workshops

Here you can find other occasional workshops when available.

Check schedule and availability of ALL workshops and courses through the button below.

The Merkaba / Lightbody Activation [2-day workshop] and the Universal Energy Self-Attunement Practices [2-day workshop] are occasionally available.

When these are offered, details will be shared via newsletters and additional website pages.

Both of these workshops support the self-management of your energy system and Source connection. They have been offered in the past as stand-alone events and included in the Energy Mastery Mystery School.

The Merkaba \ Lightbody activation includes references to sacred geometry and how that echoes throughout the Universe and the human body.

Universal Energy Self-Attunement shares practices for aligning with various rays and frequencies of Universal Energy.

These workshops are only offered in response to requests from the field, and where they can be accommodated in my schedule.

Merkaba / Lightbody Activation

2-day workshop

Your MERKABA, or Lightbody, is a coherent multi-dimensional energy structure that functions as a vehicle for the Soul.

The relevance of the MERKABA is that it supports energetic stability and coherence in a chaotic environment. It provides a means of taking control of your energy system so that you are better able to maintain your autonomy in your relationships and your interactions with the world.

This workshop aims to demystify this ancient knowledge and present a simple basic activation practice. It also provides insight into why sacred geometry, and how that is used subliminally in our world to manipulate social behaviour.

Grounding Your Soul's Energy

1-day workshop

This is a special workshop that shares original methods for direct self-attunement to Universal Energy.

It includes generic master level Reiki attunement, and attunement to three specific energy frequencies: the Golden Ray of Spiritual Empowerment, the Diamond Ray of Universal Truth and the Sapphire Ray. Of Coherence with Unity Consciousness.

Attuning to these energies provides an additional resource for an ongoing personal empowerment process. They support the expression of the true self in all aspects of life, professional and personal. This includes coaching and therapy, however it must be understood that this is not a healer training.

Please note

The experiential workshops I facilitate are intended to support you to grow into yourself in ways that are relevant for you. They are an adventure in consciousness and can be joyfully enlightening. They also have a depth that takes time to fully integrate.

They sometimes trigger levels of self-reflection that are quite uncomfortable. They can highlight where there is a lack of integrity in the lives we lead and in various personal interactions.

Because of this it is recommended that you consider your readiness for this kind of experience. Consider also that these workshops are part of an on-going process of personal exploration. Be prepared to source further professional support, if required.

There is particular concern if you are currently using any medication for mental/emotional support. Such medication generally suppresses feelings, which means you will be disadvantaged in the session.

Any history of psychological or mental/emotional instability that required prescribed medication, is a contra-indication for joining the workshop. If in doubt, you should contact the Bridgeman Academy to check suitability.

Booking a place on my workshops is confirmation that you understand these conditions, and take personal responsibility for your well-being.

Also note, you may be disqualified from joining the advanced workshops if you are a regular user of alcohol or other recreational substances.