Common Sense … ?

… has been distorted by the institutional conditioning of the main$tream daydream. This conditioning has been imprinted into everyday consciousness for thousands of years … via belief systems energised by physical force. Collective imprinting thus creates a psycho-energetic field that demonises non-compliant forms of existence. This is the field we live in. This field is […]


… abominations persist. This is known implicitly, internally, intuitively, universally, because NOTHING in the conventional world FEELS right. That feeling is actually a signal that the consciousness held in our incarnate human form is greater than we generally permit ourselves to express. It tells us that we dumb ourselves down, so as to go unnoticed […]

Light Leadership

Every one of us has an inbuilt lie detector … the heart. It’s an inherent energy sensitive organ that tells what’s true and what isn’t. Its response is instant. It tells you what’s aligned with the flow of your energy … and what isn’t. It tightens in the presence of insincerity, deceit and general wrongness. […]


From a really early age I recognised that most of the social systems I inhabited … or was expected to inhabit … required different versions of me to show up. So like many people I spent a lot of energy figuring out how to fit in … how to be what was expected … how […]


… and saying NO when I would love to say YES is one of the most internally destructive practices I ever engaged in. I still do it occasionally … but very occasionally these days. And I recognise the internal stress it sets up. I feel it in my heart centre. It happens when an old […]

FEAR is the path to the DARK SIDE

… This concept was introduced into popular culture via Jedi Master Yoda in the 1980 movie, “The Empire Strikes Back”. It’s been quoted … and challenged … many times. It may not be a perfect analysis, but it contains a seed of awareness that points to a shift in consciousness. Suppression of the organic truth […]


This is the clarion call of the dark agenda polarity that lies underneath all the fear narratives being pumped into the wider collective consensus reality. Over the years many energy-sensitives and lightworkers have been vulnerable to attachments, without realising it. Those attachments actually “do good” as a way of remaining undiscovered. They feed on our […]


… I’m no saint. There have been times when I felt so outraged by the system I exist within that I wanted to wreck it completely. The tyranny of that outrage governed the way I lived for many years. It took a lot of inner work to recognise that outrage is EXACTLY what the system […]

Alignment – The New Paradigm

… As an empath I’ve been aware of absorbing the physical, emotional and psychological responses of others. Because I feel these responses within my system, it’s easy for me to convince myself that they’re mine … and behave as if they are. That not only applies to pain, but also to pleasure … I was […]


… Recently I put out a newsletter that was less coherent than I would have liked. Several links in the text completely dropped off on sending. Additionally, my partner also lost some website edits on the same day. This was a bit irritating, but when we sat with it we could feel an energy of […]