I often need to remind myself that I’m here because at some level I choose to be [whether or not I have any awareness of choosing]. This reminder is especially necessary when I run into the shifting challenges of everyday mainstream consciousness. It’s easy to forget that I was there locked into the mainstream myself […]


I’ve always found this self-reflection stuff challenging, which is the surest sign that there’s something for me to learn from it. I see some very ugly problems in the world, and I certainly don’t want to accept that they’re in anyway a reflection of me. BUT … One of the important aspects of this phenomenon […]


THE MONSTERS OF OUR REALITY … visible and invisible, are the aggregate of our collective shadow – everything we fear and everything we reject about ourselves.

Beam Me Up – NOW!!

O.K. So, you’ve tried making contact with the natives, and they’re not friendly. The pollution levels in the atmosphere and general environment are dangerous, and you know you can’t exist for very long on the poison they call food here. But the transporter room is off-line. Right now you’re marooned. Somehow, you’ve got to survive […]


The underlying energetic environment of the Earth, our home, is shifting.

Because everything is energy, that shift necessitates a shift in the inhabitants of the Earth – us, you and me.

The Culture of Slavery

In our sanitised, everyday, civilised world nobody owns slaves any more. Slavery and forced labour were abolished over 200 years ago in Britain, so it’s perhaps surprising that the practice was not fully outlawed worldwide till 1981.
However, notwithstanding its abolition, slavery persists under the surface of many cultural norms. Acceptance of those norms is often a requisite of good citizenship.

Keep Calm …

Much of humanity is struggling to reconcile the inequalities and disproportionate imbalances that plague our cultures. That struggle creates a richly fertile soil in which resentment, fear, blame, shame, misery, outrage and conflict grow in abundance. It disrupts any sense of calmness, en masse, almost by design.

Riding the Wave of Awakening

It may be time to reconsider your responses to the world you find yourself in. If you’re looking around and don’t care for the options life seems to be offering you; if you’re feeling that nothing fits, so you have to squeeze yourself down into a shape that the rest of the world can accept; if you’ve ever thought there must be something wrong with you to make you unable to just get on with it … it’s possible that you’re here to be on the leading edge of the awakening in consciousness.

What Would Love Do?

An awful lot of people are now feeling that the world is just wrong, without knowing what’s wrong or how to be with that feeling. There also a lot more people wondering what’s wrong with those of us who feel that the world is wrong. …

Taking the Red Pill

There’s sickness afflicting humanity, like a worm eating away at the heart of human consciousness. It’s no regular kind of sickness that can be cleared up by our biological immune system or medication. It’s an invisible mental sickness that has thrived on the ignorance, and innocence, of human beings for thousands of years.