New Age Romantics – The Twin Flame Trap

The Myth There’s a kind of new age myth that afflicts people who awaken to a personal spiritual path. It catches many who are desperate for a relationship where they feel loved, seen and heard. It goes a bit like this … LonelinessLike most new age concepts, terms such as “twin souls”, “twin flames” and […]

The Cosmic Dance

Over these winter months the cosmic energies have so far been intense. I’ve been deep in process myself for days at a time. Not exactly a favourite experience, but I don’t mind too much as it always takes me into deeper connection with my own essence. The last two years have been challenging in themselves, […]


Over the winter solstice period and for a lot of January I go into a kind of hibernation mode – or try to. However, whenever I get to take a break the energy [Spirit] takes the opportunity to give me a workout. So the winter solstice period is a time when I invariably go into […]

The Way Forward

This is the time of year when many people are attempting to put the past behind them. It’s a good intention, but it’s not that easy. The approach is often flawed, by defining the future in relation to the past. When you do that you energetically anchor your future in what you want to let […]

The Path Through the Forest

Few people are at ease with the general direction that the world seems to be headed in right now. There is chaos, conflict and confusion everywhere. This chaos has all the characteristics of a healing crisis. You know the kind, where it looks bad before it gets very bad, before it gets better. Climate change […]

Memo from the Team Captain

… O.K. So you’ve tried making contact with the natives, and they’re not friendly. The pollution levels in the atmosphere and general environment are dangerous, and you know you can’t exist for very long on the poison they call food here. But the transporter room is off-line. Right now you’re marooned. Somehow you’ve got to […]

Invisible Influences

It’s almost certain that you are influenced by, and influencing, others all the time. It’s a simple consequence of the fact that fundamentally everything is energy, including you and me, and energies mix, merge and react with each other. We are all little transmitters and receivers, just like the mobile phones we carry around with […]

The Vampire …

… cannot cross the threshold unless it is invited in The issue of violation pops up time and again in the modern spiritual arena. It always relates to the dynamics of power and control, and it often finds its way out in some form of sexual expression. As people awaken and begin to seek a […]

The Power Struggle

Human history is characterised by an incessant quest for power and control. The root of this is fear, and it’s been the dominant paradigm of our existence for age upon age. This paradigm is now crumbling around us. It’s reached its “Sell by” date. However, this does not stop vast numbers from trying to hang […]

The Power of the Spoken Word

It’s widely accepted that words have power. But if they do, where does that power come from? The power of words, and the language we use, in structuring the reality we live in has a long tradition shrouded in mystery. Few give this principle any credibility because we so seldom seem able to create a […]