Riding the Wave of Awakening

It may be time to reconsider your responses to the world you find yourself in. If you’re looking around and don’t care for the options life seems to be offering you; if you’re feeling that nothing fits, so you have to squeeze yourself down into a shape that the rest of the world can accept; if you’ve ever thought there must be something wrong with you to make you unable to just get on with it … it’s possible that you’re here to be on the leading edge of the awakening in consciousness.

The Power Struggle

Human history is characterised by an incessant quest for power and control. The root of this is fear, and it’s been the dominant paradigm of our existence for age upon age. This paradigm is now crumbling around us. It’s reached its “Sell by” date. However, this does not stop vast numbers from trying to hang onto it. The new paradigm has not yet formed. It’s still in the realm of the unknown, which qualifies it in some ways as something to fear. Approaching the new paradigm from a place of fear is not going to work. It has to be born out of a raising of consciousness, emerging from within. That birthplace is the heart and to open the channel requires courage and commitment. Traditionally leaders have risen to positions of power by beating their rivals into submission. In ancient times it was the… Read moreThe Power Struggle

The Seduction of Safety

This phrase ‘the seduction of safety’ occurs in Mary Oliver’s poem The Journey and it suddenly struck me as identifying a significant problem for many of us. That problem is the belief that the world is a dangerous place, and it’s not safe to be here actually alive in a physical body. This belief informs the matrix of existence here on earth, almost universally. It gives rise to a culture of fear that supports notions of ‘security’ on an industrial scale. It might even be dangerous to read this article.

Smoke and Mirrors

I was sitting in a café with a friend the other day and we got around to talking about the collective unconscious. We didn’t dwell on it for long. Our general sense was that the collective is a prevailing miasma that’s not easy to cope with. It’s a bit like an energetic smog that chokes the human spirit. The more densely populated the area the more intense it feels – the thicker the smog. If you’re at all sensitive to energy you’ll know what I’m talking about. And if you don’t think you’re sensitive to energy, you might consider whether you feel better on a lonely seashore, in woodlands or on a windy hilltop, than you do in the city. It might not simply be the lack of air pollution that lightens your spirit. The effect of the collective field in our daily lives… Read moreSmoke and Mirrors

The Edge of Reason

The Edge … there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. Hunter S. Thompson Few of us have any idea of where a personal journey of self-discovery will lead us, when we set out. Generally the first step is to get beyond the New Year’s Resolution psychosis. You know, where you say you’re going to change things but never quite follow through. Just keeping your promises to yourself, when you’ve decided to make even minor changes in your life, is a major achievement. However success breeds success. So once a minor change has been accomplished the chances are you’ll notice something else that you want to change. It’s a bit like walking through a doorway only to find that there’s another door to go through, one that… Read moreThe Edge of Reason

Walking in the Mind Field

The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else. – e. e. cummings Being yourself may well be the biggest challenge you will face in life. Not least because it involves discovering who you are first, and that’s no mean feat in itself. Do you actually dare to consider who is actually walking around in your skin, or will you settle for who your world tells you it is? There’s a huge, complex, invisible structure that exists to tell you who you are and what you should do, think and feel. This structure is the cultural consensus. It’s a shifting interconnecting network of collective thought-forms – a mind field. The mind field comprises a combination of beliefs, stories, fears and the generalised interpretations of personal experience of every member of the social order…. Read moreWalking in the Mind Field