workshops & courses

Workshops and courses are continually evolving. Those shown here represent the range currently on offer.
The list may change from time to time as new inspiration informs the scope of work.
Check out the actual schedule and availability via the website of Bridgeman Academy.

All workshops and courses are in English with support in Nederlands.

Protocols spoken aloud during the workshop are generally recorded in situ and made available to participants, along with relevant playlists, after the workshop.

You can read snippets about each course below.
Click the image or button for more detailed information on a specific course or workshop.
To read more in Dutch, please visit the Bridgeman Academy website.

Shifting Your Reality

pre-recorded online seminar

A pre-recorded on-line seminar supporting the self-empowerment process

  • through greater awareness of how our personal energies contribute to the dominator control systems prevailing in the world
  • through reclaiming and recovering those personal energies, especially where they are manipulated to undermine our individual sovereignty
  • by reconfiguring our energies to support the continuous evolution of consciousness as Agents of Source in Action.

Grounding Your Soul's Energy

1-day workshop

A one-day transformative experience to open awareness and the personal connection with Source

The human soul is a mighty energy. It’s a multi-dimensional creative force to be reckoned with.

Much of human history has been under the influence of organisations that serve to keep that creative force controlled, or suppressed.

This workshop explores the issues present in the group in the moment. This is an organic free-flow event entirely responsive to the field generated as a synthesis of the energies of all participants.

Living Your Soul's Frequency

1-day workshop

Living your soul’s frequency is the process of opening up to the energies of the Soul beyond the conditioning of conventional normality.

Earth human beings are a complex amalgam between a human body [bio-energetic system] and a Soul consciousness. Living the frequency of the Soul is a fundamental experience that manifests as our Soul ‘s energies ground into our physical bodies.

This workshop provides specific protocol practices for intentionally inviting the intelligence of the Soul to facilitate an optimal on-going expansion in consciousness.

Energy Mastery Mystery School

1/2 - year in-depth training

The original foundational training for working organically with transformative protocols.

The primary level [PHASE 1] Energy Mastery Mystery School is a combined self-empowerment training, practitioner training and facilitator training.

It runs over about nine months [16 training days] in eight two-day intensives. It is arranged to provide a step-by-step sequence that begins by exploring obstacles to the expression of personal truth and expansion in consciousness.

The course is aligned with the new energy paradigm of self-empowerment beyond transformation, that’s now arising in human consciousness.

That paradigm already reaches beyond traditional spiritual practices, pushing humanity to evolve new ways of being and to interact with Universal, or Spiritual, Intelligence in co-creative partnership.

Some elements of the curriculum …
  • Spontaneous Free-Flow sessions establish the practice of partnering with Spiritual Intelligence. This follows the energy that is present in the group, in the room.
  • Directed sessions to manage your personal energy field apply carefully scripted protocols that connect with higher frequency aspects of our beings. These are sandwiched between the Free Flow sessions.
  • Advanced protocol formats will be shared that include dealing with other lifetimes and dimensions, Soul memories, ancestral and cellular memories and DNA coding. You will be encouraged to practice this method for yourself as well as in one-on-one practice.

There are options to continue for a second year [PHASE 2]. This is not for everybody. If it’s a fit for you the relevance becomes apparent during a first year.

Some people even choose to continue for a third year.

Mastering Your Hidden Control System

2-day intensive

In the context of this workshop the hidden control system comprises five basic compulsions, or drivers, adopted as survival strategies in early life.

As a starting point these are identified as the five primary drivers of Transactional Analysis: BE STRONG – BE PERFECT – HURRY UP – WORK/TRY HARD – PLEASE OTHERS. These tale root long before we can even speak.

This is an intense workshop that focuses on dismantling these compulsions and their extended forms. The intention is to raise awareness of them, and to dissolve their energetic foundation with carefully scripted protocol practices.

Expanding Consciousness ~ Light Leadership

3-day intensive

A “graduate” level intensive designed to bust the mechanisms of dominator control that govern human existence 

As our consciousness expands it is registered in the energetic environment as a threat to the dominance of beings that benefit from maintaining humankind in a disempowered state.

A mysterious increase in psychic attacks and negative psychic experiences often accompanies this expansion. Non-physical automatic detection and alarm mechanisms that regulate human consciousness to permissible levels are a main cause of this phenomenon.

This advanced three-day intensive considers the presence of residual automatic control devices, and their effects. It shares protocol practices especially crafted to overcome these and provide greater awareness of your beingness as an Agent of Source in Action.

Owning Your Cosmic Self

2-day intensive

This workshop recognises our cosmic nature as fractals of Source with a unique spiritual signature which we contribute to the general expansion in human consciousness

This will challenge you to let go of modes of existence that have plagued generations. This process dares us to feel our prosperity as an automatic manifestation of our Source connection under Universal Law, rather than create it from a survival fear.

The fear-based divide-and-rule narratives of the social order are constantly mutating in the attempt to suppress the general awakening and expansion of human consciousness.

The ultimate aim of this workshop is to support the levels of self-empowerment necessary to develop immunity to these narratives, and to thrive in your unique source connection.

Please note

The experiential workshops I facilitate are intended to support you to grow into yourself in ways that are relevant for you. They are an adventure in consciousness and can be joyfully enlightening. They also have a depth that takes time to fully integrate.

They sometimes trigger levels of self-reflection that are quite uncomfortable. They can highlight where there is a lack of integrity in the lives we lead and in our various personal interactions.

Because of this it is recommended that you consider your readiness for this kind of experience. Consider also that these workshops are part of an on-going process of personal exploration. Be prepared to source further professional support, if required.

There is particular concern if you are currently using any medication for mental/emotional support. Such medication generally suppresses feelings, which means you will be disadvantaged in the session.

Any history of psychological or mental/emotional instability that required prescribed medication, is a contra-indication for joining the workshop. If in doubt, you should contact the Bridgeman Academy to check suitability.

Booking a place on my workshops is confirmation that you understand these conditions, and take personal responsibility for your well-being.

Also note, you may be disqualified from joining the advanced workshops if you are a regular user of alcohol or other recreational substances.