Living Your Soul's Frequency

1-day workshop

Earth human beings are a complex amalgam between a human body [bio-energetic system] and a Soul consciousness.

The intention of this workshop is to support the process of integrating the energies of the Soul into everyday life. It provides specific practices to assist that and continue the process at your own pace.

It also provides a safe space to let go of some of the conditioning that sabotages that intention.

Living the frequency of the Soul is a fundamental experience that manifests as our Soul ‘s energies integrate deeper into our physical bodies. This is accompanied by an on-going expansion in consciousness.

This is a natural process that’s been accelerating over recent years. As a consequence, many people are having to revise their view of the world we live in, and renegotiate how they interact with it.

The regular everyday Earth reality is a combination of vibrational energies at various frequencies. Those frequencies are a direct translation from the levels of consciousness expressing through the inhabitants of the planet, who are all under the continual influence of the shifting energies of our environment.

Low frequencies correspond to what are referred to as the lower expressions of consciousness: survival issues: fear, guilt, shame, (self-) criticism, victimhood and so on.

This is neither good nor bad. It’s a characteristic of the elements of existence the Soul is choosing to explore. It is not determined by the mortal mind – the mind that expresses as human intellect.

The closer our daily life expression is to the core truth of our being, the higher the frequency we operate at, and the more harmonious our lives tend to be.

Because of this, many are experiencing the double standards of the everyday reality, that we might have considered normal up until now, as increasingly difficult to ignore.

This means many are being shaken out of complacency in relation to their adopted identities and the world views they’re used to.

The Living Your Soul’s Frequency workshop offers an alternative practical approach to these phenomena.

This workshop is in English with support in Dutch.

You can check the schedule and availability here:

Comments from some recent workshop participants

Living your Soul's frequency