Universal Energy Self-Attunement Practices

2-day workshop

Before the explosion of new-age spirituality the concept of Universal Energy was little known in the western world. In eastern cultures there was more awareness.

Various forms and practices for engaging with the mystery of this energy have emerged over the years. Mostly these focus around healing systems.

All of these practices are essentially about consciously connecting with, and embodying, the Divine I Am Intelligence that informs us all as Fractals of Source. Any healing that occurs is an effect of that.

The Golden Ray is a part of my personal awakening journey of spiritual empowerment. For me it’s a facility that supports multi-dimensional transformation and freedom from energetic restrictions inherent in the unseen fabric of human existence.

The Diamond Ray presented itself through an international meditation peer group that I meet with regularly. In this context the Diamond Ray facilitates the manifestation of Universal Truth. As such it supports the expression of personal truth and the acknowledgement of the inherent truth of each being.

The Sapphire Ray is another resource that emerged through the international peer group. This ray facilitates the intention to operate outside space-time … in the Eternal Now.

These attunements are offered as repeatable self-empowerment practices with humility and gratitude for what the energies have brought me.

The vibrational frequency of the energies involved in this workshop is intense. It’s compact programme, so personal process time is limited during the two-days we’re together. Allowance should be made for integration time following the workshop.

It is only recommended for those with a strong commitment to their personal empowerment process, and with at least two years’ experience of the impact of that journey on their lives.

The two-day schedule will include:

  • Protocol to release the interference of human filters that may have accumulated in your energy system.
  • Protocol to clear resistance and obstacles to direct attunement to Universal Energy
  • Attunement protocol practice utilising the four primary symbols taught as Reiki – Power; Mental/Emotional; Distance; Master
  • Attunement practice for the Golden Ray
  • Attunement practice for the Diamond Ray
  • Attunement practice for the Sapphire Ray
  • Workshop Notes [17 page manual in .pdf form]
This workshop is in English, with support in Nederlands.
It is not scheduled on a regular basis. Check newsletters or the button below for availability

You can check the schedule and availability here:

Comments from some recent workshop participants