Owning your Cosmic Self

2-day intensive
This is an advanced workshop designed to embrace an expanded awareness of your being, as a fractal of Source.

This workshop challenges the fundamental principles and hidden agendas of the divide and rule control systems that dominate human existence on this planet.

Taking ownership of your cosmic self is a way of committing to BE all you are. It affirms the ONENESS of yourself as a holographic fractal of the ONENESS of all there is, and allows that to inform who your life expression.

Purposely scripted protocols are utilised to attune to the cosmic essence of our being and maintain that attunement in our everyday living life experience.

This workshop provides a means to deconstruct the invisible energetic mechanisms of control that lie behind the conventional social order, and which play out in the geopolitical arena.

These mechanisms lie deeper than what we know as trauma imprinting and general social conditioning. They have ancestral layers and components from other forms of existence.

Involuntary automatic compliance with these mechanisms has generated continuous suffering in Earth humankind over millennia. Energies will be invited from the Universal Field of All There Is to reconcile the effects of that suffering, whilst retaining the wisdom gained from its experience.

An integral part of this workshop will be a process uniquely generated from the participant group field, to accommodate their specific requirements. So, we will be exploring the cutting edge of an ongoing expansion in human consciousness.

The workshop originates in intuitive information from an international peer group; personal process; practical applications arising out of the ongoing Energy Mastery Mystery School; and process requirements of individual clients. 

The philosophy of this workshop sees the human organism as an amalgam of energies and consciousness. In concert these elements form a mortal being of incredible magic, with a unique spiritual signature.

Owning that spiritual signature takes us beyond familiar existential paradigms and traditional creation stories. It produces results that are otherwise inaccessible.

  • Acknowledging and owning the Spiritual Signature / Cosmic Self
  • Dissolving biologically encoded contracts to stay in separation from our true nature and Source.
  • Dissolving Enemy Patterning the polarising process of identifying others as enemies.
  • Organic Process uniquely generated from the group field to facilitate awareness of the individual Spiritual Signatures present within the group.
  • Dissolving the threads and influence of Divide and Rule practices of social control, and the programmes that drive unconscious compliance.
  • Practice to develop the ability to operate from Zero-Point Consciousness

Check schedule and availability here:

This workshop is in English, with support in Nederlands.

Comments from some recent workshop participants

Owning your Cosmic Self