~ Developing Spiritual Intelligence

“Spiritual Intelligence is about learning to think with the heart, create harmony with the mind, balance with the body and make the  true music of the spheres.  Altazar Rossiter helps us develop new ways to bring a dynamic alignment to the spirit, no matter our religious beliefs or experiences.  He reminds us of the beauty of hope and faith  that is ever dancing within us.”

~ Don Campbellauthor of The Harmony of Health, The Mozart Effect and Music, Physician for Times to Come

Nothing in the Universe is static, including me. Consequently, since this book was first published I’ve refined many of the process protocols and revised some of the terminology. This new edition reflects that evolution. The underlying principles, however, remain unchanged rooted in Universal Law.

DEVELOPING SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE ~ The Power of You was always intended as manual for partnering with Spiritual Intelligence to sustain you through major transitions and profound changes in your life, using simple forms of words – process protocols. The book has its origins in the course notes I wrote for a two-year facilitator training I led in the Netherlands some years ago.

The founding principle of the book is that there is an organic wisdom that we all carry, one that’s constantly trying to inform us and support us. It is accessed very simply through intent, commitment and the spoken word.

Organic wisdom is the innate quality of knowing that resides beyond our intellect. This knowing appears at the strangest times, and sometimes runs counter to everything that makes sense, yet it is always appropriate. If acted upon this wisdom continues to arise from within, providing guidance in ways that are always better than could be imagined or worked out beforehand. This is what is regarded in this book as Spiritual Intelligence.


More Reviews & Comments

This beautifully clear and fascinating book is an incredibly simple guide to that which so many of us search for: the kind of spiritual intelligence that will enable us to live peacefully, intelligently, and joyfully whatever our circumstances.   It brings the spiritual world down to earth, which is just where we need it to be in order to take our next step.

~ Dr. Dina Glouberman, author of Life Choices – Life Changes,and The Joy of Burnout

Rossiter systematically and intelligibly opens the doors and lets in the Divine light, truth and wisdom.

~ James D’Angelo PhD, author of The Healing Power of the Human Voice.

Altazar has a remarkable gift for language, explaining his very complex ideas clearly, simply and elegantly.  The book is so fluent and gentle, and written with such humility, using all the most unflattering examples of his own distant problems, that it opens the heart before one even begins the work.   My hope for the world is that is that some vast international publisher will scoop it up, translate it into all possible languages and find entry into every household.   The world could change almost overnight.

~ Grethe H. Hansen, UK

At last, a book that I can give to friends who have not yet engaged with a conscious spiritual path but who are ready to embrace the greater fullness of who they are. Offers practical principles and practices for aligning with “spiritual intelligence” in a way that normalizes it.

~ Janice Dolley, Wrekin Trust-University for Spirit Forum