Keep Calm …

Much of humanity is struggling to reconcile the inequalities and disproportionate imbalances that plague our cultures. That struggle creates a richly fertile soil in which resentment, fear, blame, shame, misery, outrage and conflict grow in abundance. It disrupts any sense of calmness, en masse, almost by design.

The Cosmic Dance

Over these winter months the cosmic energies have so far been intense. I’ve been deep in process myself for days at a time. Not exactly a favourite experience, but I don’t mind too much as it always takes me into deeper connection with my own essence. The last two years have been challenging in themselves, but starting with the solstice and near co-incident January full moon the intensity ramped up steadily. There have been massive spikes in the Schumann Resonance, powerful planetary dispositions and a super blood full moon coincident with a lunar eclipse. Scientific investigation confirms that all of these phenomena destabilise our energy environment, and therefore impact us. For example, one study observed that in years of peak GMS (geomagnetic stress) activity, patients admitted for myocardial infarction (heart attack) increased 25 per cent [25%]*. Ultimately everything is energy, including you and me,… Read moreThe Cosmic Dance

Memo from the Team Captain

… O.K. So you’ve tried making contact with the natives, and they’re not friendly. The pollution levels in the atmosphere and general environment are dangerous, and you know you can’t exist for very long on the poison they call food here. But the transporter room is off-line. Right now you’re marooned. Somehow you’ve got to survive until the rescue team arrives. But there’s a nagging feeling that you are the rescue team, and the rest of the crew, back on the ship have left you to it. Don’t panic, it’s not personal. Of itself, this world is not hostile, but the consciousness that prevails here is toxic. That’s why the natives are so angry, aggressive, mistrusting, paranoid, neurotic and psychotic. And the longer you stay here the more you become infected with that psychic virus yourself. Some of us have spent many tours of… Read moreMemo from the Team Captain

Invisible Influences

It’s almost certain that you are influenced by, and influencing, others all the time. It’s a simple consequence of the fact that fundamentally everything is energy, including you and me, and energies mix, merge and react with each other. We are all little transmitters and receivers, just like the mobile phones we carry around with us. You beam your message into the world from the organ that generates the most powerful electromagnetic field in your body – your heart. A mobile phone is a consciously regulated appliance, directed by your intent to connect with someone else, or by their intent to contact you. But the invisible messages your heart sends and receives are unconscious and unregulated. These messages interact and interfere with each other, and just like the conventional telecommunications signals we utilise every day, without regulation they degenerate into chaos. This unruly interaction… Read moreInvisible Influences

The Power of the Spoken Word

It’s widely accepted that words have power. But if they do, where does that power come from? The power of words, and the language we use, in structuring the reality we live in has a long tradition shrouded in mystery. Few give this principle any credibility because we so seldom seem able to create a reality we want, but it’s an idea that has persisted through the ages. For those of you brought up in a culture that exposes you to some form of Christian teaching, there’s a biblical significance attached to the concept that words have power. Even if you reject the religious aspect, the principle somehow sticks. Various other creation stories also rest on the concept of a sacred word, or sound, calling the world into existence. So what’s the relevance of this for the modern world? Naming and Identification The principle… Read moreThe Power of the Spoken Word

The Seduction of Safety

This phrase ‘the seduction of safety’ occurs in Mary Oliver’s poem The Journey and it suddenly struck me as identifying a significant problem for many of us. That problem is the belief that the world is a dangerous place, and it’s not safe to be here actually alive in a physical body. This belief informs the matrix of existence here on earth, almost universally. It gives rise to a culture of fear that supports notions of ‘security’ on an industrial scale. It might even be dangerous to read this article.